Sunday, June 26, 2011

Alignment In Regards to Birth & Conception

Please read!!! Katy gives detailed exercises to help align your body for birth and much, much more!  With detailed explanations why...

Katy states, "I’m going to attempt to explain the physics of vaginal delivery to you in less than a thousand words."

"One more thing.  All this uterine biomechanics stuff doesn’t ONLY have to do with delivery but also with conception, both natural and IVF. The fluid dynamics of the uterus are drastically affected by position — something not really mainstream to most professionals, even though it is in the biomechanical literature."

Monday, June 20, 2011

Honey Mask

Honey Mask!

2 tsp raw honey
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp fresh aloe

Apply to face and wait 15-30 minutes before washing.  

Thursday, June 16, 2011

VBA5C Discussion at Birth Without Fear

Check out this discussion on Birth Without Fear's Facebook page.  Serena is looking for support on her decision to give birth vaginally after 5 c-sections. 

Fertility: Herbs & Secrets From Moms!

There are so many resources online and in print to assist families in their quest for starting a family!  I decided to help you weed through the massive amount of info out there! (Pun intended)

Excellent Resource!  Shonda has a section in her "Naturally Healthy Pregnancy" book on herbal support for conception.

Red Raspberry Leaf- Mama's Brew|%20fertility

Fertility Herbs for Women
     "Dong Quai - Dong Quai is used for many gynecological problems. It has been shown to balance estrogen activity and has been used to help with endometriosis and menopausal conditions. It is a blood purifier and it promotes circulation. It is known to restore menstrual regularity. It regulates a weak uterus and regulates hormones and the menstrual cycle. Caution: It is not recommended during pregnancy or for people taking blood thinners or those who have clotting disorders. It is not to be used by diabetics."

7 Fertility Aids:  Secret Tips From Moms
     "Trying to get pregnant can be a trying time. The first few cycles are exciting and filled with optimism but generally after two or three cycles couples tend to get discouraged. There is a lot to know when it comes to getting pregnant. Some couples may start off with a relaxed approach but as time goes on they may want to know more. Are there any things a couple can do to improve their chances of getting pregnant? Yes, there are but not all of the tips are well publicized. Some things you can do are obvious, like having regular sex three times a week, but other tips you just may not have heard about. Here are seven little talked about fertility aids that can help you get pregnant."

Additional Reading

I wanted to add to this post that a book has been recommended to me called "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" it will be available in my Lending Library soon!
Disclaimer:  "For Entertainment Purposes Only"

Mother to Daughter Womb Transplant

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Home Birth Video

WITMF current focus is creating films about Choices in Childbirth, in particular, homebirth, which is often under/misrepresented in the mainstream media.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Have you seen Orgasmic Birth?

Available thru Netflix!
Intense or unrestrained excitement or a similar point of intensity or emotional excitement.

Please comment!  I would love to hear feedback if you
have seen it!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Pieces of a U.S. Maternal Health Plan Take Shape

The United States is tied with Saudi Arabia in maternal mortality, according to the U.N. data, with both sharing the rank of having the 50th highest maternal mortality rates globally, meaning 49 other countries have better statistics. (Wow, seriously!?)

A bill in Congress would help states research why so many U.S. women die in pregnancy and childbirth. And that data could make health reform more responsive to a worsening problem, a leading health activist says.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
"States that have higher than the national average C-section rate, which is now 33 percent, have a 21 percent higher risk of maternal mortality," Strauss says.

Read the full story here:,0

In 2009, the Pregnancy-Associated Mortality Review (PAMR) committee reviewed 41 pregnancy-associated deaths and identified 33 (80%) deaths as pregnancy-related.  Between 1999 and 2008, the pregnancy-related mortality ratio fluctuated from 20.3 deaths per 100,000 live births in 1999 to a high of 22.9 in 2004 and a low of 13.3 in 2005.  In 2007 and 2008, the ratios were 15.1 and 14.3 deaths per 100,000 live births, respectively (Figure 1).  The slight downward trend from 1999 to 2008 is not statistically significant. (

"Estimated Due Date?"

‎"40 weeks is an estimate, an average. Babies are GROWING inside of us. They are maturing, developing, cells are changing...until everything is just right and that newborn baby is ready to be away from mama and grow on the outside. Who are we, or who is the Dr. to tell that baby, "Nope, I think you're ready." God, nature, & your baby 
KNOW, we don't! It's bizarre to think we do. ~Mrs. BWF

Visit Birth Without Fear on Facebook at rated number one for pregnancy pages on FB

I have heard it suggested that instead of marking on your calendars, "Due Date" or "my baby arrives" or  "_________B-Day", that we should encourage moms-to-be to highlight that week and possibly the next "Guess Date"

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

"Rows For Remembrance"


Ministering to families who have suffered a miscarriage or infant loss.

Shaina is creating blankets to remember lives.  You can read her blog, donate, nominate someone to receive a blanket or apply for one yourself.  Shaina is an amazing wife, mother, and Christian woman (and cousin I might add)  

You will be blessed! 

"Pregnant in America" Very touching!!!!!

Okay, this documentary is a bit long.  And as a matter of fact it was extremely slow at times.  But I tell you what if you miss the ending you have missed out on a very heart warming story of a father's journey through educating himself and others on birthing and then the beauty & trials his own family encountered.  It was very touching!!!

Must see documentary!!!

I just watched "The Business of Being Born"  and I think everyone should see it!  I was able to watch it instantly on my PC using Netflix.

breastfeeding in public is offensive - see for you...

Analytical Armadillo: breastfeeding in public is offensive - see for you...: "I can't take the credit for this (nor can I track down the original author) but it's great and so worth a share :) I’m thankful for not ha..."

"Cervical Scars" Why aren't doctors talking about this?

Have you ever had any procedures on your cervix?  For example a  LEEP (Loop Electrosurgical Excision Procedure) commonly used for removal of abnormal cells or a D&C (Dilation & Curettage).  Then your doctor may have neglected to inform you that you may have difficulty dilating during labor.  Many C-sections have been performed due to "Failure to Progress" when they could have been avoided!  You can read one doulas experience with cervical scarring here:

So.....what can you do if this has effected your cervix?  The suggested method is Red Raspberry Leaf Tea & Evening Primrose Oil.  EPO acts as a prostaglandin which ripens and softens the cervix.  EPO can also be helpful in fertility.  More on that topic to come. 

How to use Red Raspberry Leaf Tea:  can be used from the first day that you find out you are pregnant.  After 36 weeks you may want to increase to 3 cups per day

*Note EPO should not be taken throughout entire pregnancy.  Do not insert anything into vagina after rupture of membranes*
How to use Evening Primrose Oil:  May be used orally from about 34 weeks gestation 1 cap three times daily.  After 36 weeks along with cervical massage may be inserted vaginally 1-2 caps at bedtime.

Protect your cervix, teach your daughters, & share the knowledge with girlfriends!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Here is an informative & well written discussion re: tearing or Episiotomy

DISCLAIMER: there are graphic pictures in this post.

What would you rather....
                    "Don't worry, we are going to talk about how to minimize the risk of tearing altogether. But, in the spirit of informed decision making, we will be talking about what both tears and episiotomies are, the risks and benefits of each, and how to minimize the risk of either occurring."